Monday, February 9, 2009

early intervention O&M article

A recent article in the International Journal of Orientation & Mobility about “early intervention O&M” was relevant to our project. The author, from western Australia, makes several statements about the approach to children and the use of mobility canes. I do not have an electronic version to share. I’ll summarize what I think are important points from the article.
* cane techniques such as two-point touch are not introduced to children under the age of 6 because of the development of strength and motor skills
* traditional arguments against early cane use have not been found to happen in their programs (e.g., fear of injuries to others)
* keeping the cane “close to the ground” is strongly emphasized with young cane users
* the first formal technique is diagonal cane position with the correct grasp

None of this is striking or new, but I found the age information interesting.

The journal might be found in your academic libraries; I couldn’t find it in mine yet.

Scott, B. (2008). Early intervention orientation and mobility: A Western Australian persepctive. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 1(1), 70-72.

1 comment:

Stu said...

I strongly agree that the earliest techniques taught for Preschoolers should be diagonal and constant contact. I find that children have a difficult time mastering the two touch technique through middle school years. Sorry about my tardiness in responding here.